Sunday 22 November 2009


I've managed to successfully remain on a diet for a week now. Wow. I mean, I slipped a LITTLE at the weekend, but unlike most times I haven't thought "Oooh, I've fallen off the wagon, may as well eat everything in my fridge". So I've ate some junk food, but I'm not beating myself up about it for a change.

I've cut down on the amount of carbs I would normally eat, upped my green tea and fruit intake, tried to cut down on my alcohol habit (I've only drank once this week, which is an achievement in itself for me) and tried to get at least a BIT of exercise in every day. I am proud of my motivation for a change. Let's hope it continues . . .

1 comment:

Katy said...

Yay congrats!! Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise so it's good that you're sticking to your diet. Exercise is easy for me but the diet is the hardest part. =(