Sunday 21 September 2008


I haven't posted in a bit as it's been a massive fail in the losing weight department for me in the last week or so. Things like real life and going out have been ruining my plans - and unfortunately I can't say "no" when someone offers me wine, dinner or chocolate!

Anyway, todays a new day, right? I have to think of it like this - in three weeks time I will be in the Canaries and wanting to feel confident in a bikini. Not necessarily lighter - just more toned. Ideally I want to see a good result in two weeks time, as it'll be my twenty ninth birthday. So I NEED to take this seriously for the next couple of weeks and try my hardest to just eat healthy and throw my ass into working out, so I can actually see some sort of results.

I tend to thrive under pressure, so maybe this deadline will help me be a little harder on myself...

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